Abraham. Ten, który wbrew nadziei uwierzył nadziei

Zdzisław Pawłowski


In this article entitled 'Abraham: the one w ho against hope, in hope believed' we have tried to defin a hope in terms of narrative transformation of Abraham's identity. Abraham as a member of a genealogical tree of Terah lived in a history and a world of his father, unable to live his own independent life (Gen 11,27-32). Only the word of God's promise (Gen 12,1-3) bas been powerful enough to turn him into a new person, opened towards future. In this process hope bas been playing an indispensable role. Shaped by the promise it transgresses every historical circumstances towards eschatological goal.

Słowa kluczowe:

Abraham, nadzieja, Księga Rodzaju, obietnica

Instytucje wspierające:



Pawłowski, Z. (2006). Abraham. Ten, który wbrew nadziei uwierzył nadziei. Verbum Vitae, 9, 14–31. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.1401

Zdzisław Pawłowski  naporus@gmail.com


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