Dawid i jego synowie. Wychowawczy i polityczny dramat na dworze królewskim

Dariusz Dziadosz


A comprehensive series of traditions about the succession of the throne (2 Sam 13-20; 1Kgs 1-2) belongs to the more representative parts of the biblical history of king David and is simultaneously one of the most beautiful parts of the Hebrew prose. This part of the Bible provides an extremely varied and complex tale with full intrigue and contrived fight for power at the royal court. Important is also the theme of the personal relationship of David with his sons. The history of the son of Jesse and his descendants, described in 2 Sam 13-20; 1 Kgs 1-2, may indeed used as a biblical illustration of extraordinarily important problem of the good upbringing and education of the younger generation. The evolution of the respectful relationship between parents and their offspring, the selection of appropriate methods and patterns of parental love, and the various types of difficulties accompanying the process of education are a common theme of many biblical texts. These traditions not only analyze the theological and existential ground of human relationships, but also formulate specific indications for the upbringing valid in any time and circumstances.

Słowa kluczowe:

król Dawid, synowie króla Dawida, wychowanie, opowiadanie o sukcesji, 2 Sm 13-20, 1 Krl 1-2

Instytucje wspierające:



Dziadosz, D. (2012). Dawid i jego synowie. Wychowawczy i polityczny dramat na dworze królewskim. Verbum Vitae, 21, 39–63. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.1537

Dariusz Dziadosz  naporus@gmail.com


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