Człowiek leniwy na tle wzorów pracowitości (Prz 6,6-11)

Andrzej Piwowar


The article presents the Book of Proverb’s teachings concerning work and laziness. The analysis is based on the pericope of Prov. 6:6-11 which focuses on the juxtaposition of human sloth and animals’ industriousness. The text shows human work in its extremes and expresses the author’s most significant ideas concerning the aspect analyzed here. The article begins with the synthesis of what the didactic books of the Old Testament teach about work, with particular emphasis on the Book of Proverbs. The article then offers an exegetical analysis of the selected pericope, including the Greek text of Prov. 6:8a-c, where the book’s translator mentions another model of diligence alongside the ant, namely the bee. Prov. 26:13-16 is also referred to here, for the text plays a significant role in completing the picture of lazy man.

Słowa kluczowe:

Księga Przysłów, praca, pracowitość, lenistwo, ubóstwo, Prz 6, 6-11, Prz 26, 13-16

Instytucje wspierające:



Piwowar, A. (2014). Człowiek leniwy na tle wzorów pracowitości (Prz 6,6-11). Verbum Vitae, 25, 41–79.

Andrzej Piwowar


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