The Critique of Secularism by Talal Asad as a Chance to Look for New Ways of Proclamation

Janez Vodičar

University of Ljubljana , Słowenia


In democratic societies, it is taken for granted to withdraw religiosity from public life. In this paper, we point to Talal Asad’s critique of this taken-for-grantedness. Using his genealogical method, he attempts to find the origin of this relegation of religiosity to the private sphere. The concept of secularity, he argues, is primarily an expression of the power of those who insist on enlightened reason. At the same time, secularism becomes, in a sense, a new religion, the only one acceptable in a democratic society. While we point out the causes of the secularization process, we also point out the aspects that are problematic in such a conception of religion. The Church’s response must take into account the process of secularization, but it must not fall into the same logic that led to this process in the first place. We point out the danger that the separation between the sacred and the profane, the physical and the spiritual, is increasing even in the new religious movements. We therefore propose a form of proclamation that involves the whole person and addresses him or her in everyday life.

Słowa kluczowe:

secularism, Talal Asad, religiosity, proclamation, Church

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Vodičar, J. (2024). The Critique of Secularism by Talal Asad as a Chance to Look for New Ways of Proclamation. Verbum Vitae, 42(2), 345–359.


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