Jan Hajduk


This paper deals with the linguistic forms which identify dead people in gravestone inscriptions. The lexicographic analysis of the notion of “ordinariness” in Polish and German presented in the first part of the article has shown that the opposition “ordinary-extraordinary” may be used in media and advertising, which frequently ascribe the idea of “extraordinariness” to ordinary language users. The corpus which has been created on the basis of gravestone inscriptions found in Lichtenstein cemeteries allows to conclude that a dead person is treated as an individual described by his or her name, surname, the profession he or she was involved in and social functions he or she performed. These aspects are expressed not only by written language signs, but also in the graphical form (including photographs).


gravestone inscriptions, ordinary person, Liechtenstein

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Hajduk, J. (2020). JĘZYKOWO-KULTUROWE WYKŁADNIKI IDENTYFIKUJĄCE „ZWYKŁYCH LUDZI” W INSKRYPCJACH NAGROBNYCH NA PRZYKŁADZIE LIECHTENSTEINU. Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, 58(3), 41–55. Retrieved from

Jan Hajduk 


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