Narcissism, Religious Self-Declaration and Values. Is There Empirical Evidence to Link These Aspects?

Justyna Kurtyka-Chałas

Uniwersytet Warszawski , Poland


This article attempts to search for links between narcissism—understood in the NARC model— and self-declaration of religiosity and preferred values. The research project was based on analysing available theoretical data and empirical research results. The study was conducted on a sample of 122 young people. The results confirmed the hypotheses regarding the links between narcissism and self-declaration of religiosity, including some links with preferred values. The subjects differed in their preferred values—both those they considered most important to them and those they named as the least important, depending on the characteristics of the quality of narcissism: narcissistic competition or narcissistic admiration.


narcissistic rivalry, narcissistic admiration, self-declaration of religiosity, values

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Kurtyka-Chałas, J. (2024). Narcyzm a autodeklaracja religijna i wartości. Czy istnieją przesłanki empiryczne za powiązaniem tych aspektów?. Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, 67(1), 25–42.

Justyna Kurtyka-Chałas
Uniwersytet Warszawski


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