Teacher’s authority in the school environment

Experience of secondary schools

Mariusz Zemło

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku , Poland


Today, there are numerous views concerning the crisis and the fall of authorities, liberation from authorities, the replacement of authority by idols (athletes, singers, actors, celebrities, etc.), society without moral patterns, etc. In the context of such statements, one should ask whether they relate to authority as such or whether they also refer to specific contexts of social relations. One of such special references is the authority of teachers. Therefore, in our deliberations, we investigate whether the quoted opinions also apply to this peculiar profession. By responding to this issue, we will not only be able to comment on the condition that people currently have, under the care of which the young generation remains, but above all about their capabilities in the implementation of the tasks for which they were appointed. The authority of the teacher is in fact a characteristic influencing in a fundamental way the success of the educational process. Thus, the basic mechanisms determining the condition of every society. Therefore, the topic is not only relevant locally (context of educational institutions), but globally (context of the whole society). The basis for the considerations will be the results of empirical research, the participants; students from secondary schools leaving in 300,000 city.


teacher’s authority, student-teacher relations, school environment, upbringing, secondary education

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Mariusz Zemło 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku

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