Zmartwychwstały Chrystus - źródło zbawczych darów (Łk 24,36-49)
Mariusz Rosik
According to Luke’s relation about the chrystophany in the cenacle (Luke 24,36-49) the Risen Lord appeared to the Apostles to transmit to them the gifts which are the results of His resurrection. The reader of this story can easily listed five of these gifts: peace, common meal (which can be understood as the indication of Eucharist), understanding of the Scripture, forgiveness of sins and finally the gift of the Holy Spirit. The locum in which one can receive these salvific gifts is paradoxally one of them: the Eucharist. The participation in the Eucharist opens human hearts to receive the others gifts which are the result of the resurrection.
zmartwychwstanie, Eucharystia, Emaus, chrystofania, chrystofanie, Duch Święty, Pismo, Biblia, przebaczenie, grzech, pokójSupporting Agencies:
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