Ugaritic Idea of the Divine Anger
The idea of God's wrath – and in the Ugaritic religious tradition, the anger of the deities – is fairly widely attested and illustrated in ancient narrative texts. From the perspective of the ideological space, one can point to two different spheres in which it was situated: the theosphere, or the world of deities, and an anthroposphere, a set of ideas expressing the world of people. In this study, selected texts from the Baal Cycle and from the poems Kirta and Aqhat have been presented and analyzed, their division and order of presentation based on the distinction between the divine and human spheres. In scenes where the theme of divine anger appears, elements of this anger are examined as to its causes, through the stages of its implementation, to the consequences. An attempt was made to situate these motifs within the theological or mythological context proper to each. In the theosphere, the anger adopts connotations, above all the theomachia ones with a certain reference to cosmogonic aspects. Meanwhile, in the world of people, anger situates itself in a theophany-like context in the case of Anat, and a ritual context in the case of Athirat. The wrath of the deities expresses one aspect of the relationship between them but is also a special attribute of particular deities.
Ugarith, wrath, Baal Cycle, Kirta, Aqhat, theosphere, anthroposphereReferences
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