Promises of the Spirit for “the Dead” in the Light of Rev 14:13

Tomasz Marcin Siemieniec

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Wydział Teologii , Poland


The article deals with the problem of promises of the Spirit for “the Dead” in the light of Rev 14:13. The point of departure for this analysis is the presentation of the current state of research. It has been demonstrated that, until now, scholars have focused on the question of the recipients of this macarism, whether it applies to all Christians or merely martyrs. The author of the article proposes to understand “the dead” as spiritually dead. This meaning is indicated by the context of the macarism, which is the whole vision in Rev 14:6-13, as well as by the fact that this spiritual sense of the term “the dead” does not contradict other texts of Revelation. Thus we have here a blessing for those who repent. The Holy Spirit shows himself here as the one who confirms the promises given in the blessing, and consequently as the one who animates the eternal gospel being proclaimed. The Spirit, speaking in Rev 14:13, reveals himself as a person who expresses himself by delivering the message to humankind. The command to write the content of the blessing (v. 13a), parallel to the Spirit’s statement (v. 13b), reveals the role of this Spirit in the process, called “a scripturistic inspiration”. Therefore the Spirit plays here an important role in the transmission of the eternal gospel which, first, calls for repentance, and, when repentance is forthcoming, promises an early accomplishment of salvific promises.


Book of Revelation, Holy Spirit, macarism, beatitude

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Tomasz Marcin Siemieniec
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Wydział Teologii

Ks. Tomasz Siemieniec, prezbiter diecezji kieleckiej, doktor habilitowany nauk teologicznych, wykładowca Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego w Kielcach, adiunkt w Katedrze Teologii Protestanckiej w Instytucie Ekumenicznym KUL. Pola badań naukowych: Apokalipsa św. Jana, Biblia w duszpasterstwie, Biblia a ekumenizm, teoria i praktyka lectio divina.


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