The Prophetic View of the Time of Israel. The Perspective of the Book of Ezekiel
Andrzej Sebastian Jasiński
University of Opole, Poland , Poland
The article unfolds a specific understanding of time on the part of the prophets, drawing on the example of Ezekiel, who performed his mission among the exiles (gola) during the Babylonian captivity of the 6th century B.C. His task was to prepare Israel for the time of renewal, which was to be the work of Yahweh. The prophet looks at the present, past and future only from the perspective of the relationship between Yahweh and Israel. Three stages of the history of the nation emerge from his statements, and to each he devotes special attention. Following this approach of the prophet to the nation's history, the article is divided into three main sections: (1) The time of Israel's present (captivity); (2) The time of former Israel; and (3) The time of the new Israel. The revelation of Yahweh to Ezekiel, and the vocation to be his prophet and watchman, became the starting point for the message of the whole Book (Ez 1:1–3:21). It was the time of Ezekiel and of the exiles that revealed the historic truth about Israel as a nation of rebels (Ez 2:3). The future, however, will reveal the final victory of Yahweh, who will renew his people (Eze 37:1-14) and defeat all opponents (Ezek 38–39).
time, prophet, Ezekiel, present, past, future, historyReferences
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University of Opole, Poland
Andrzej Sebastian Jasiński, franciszkanin, profesor zwyczajny nauk teologicznych, kierownik Katedry Egzegezy Ksiąg Starego Testamentu na Wydziale Teologicznym Uniwersytetu Opolskiego; studiował na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim (magisterium 1980, doktorat 1985, habilitacja 1992), Studium Biblicum Franciscanum w Jerozolimie (1986–1987) oraz The Catholic University of America w Waszyngtonie (1992–1993); autor 16 monografii (w tym pięciotomowego komentarza do Księgi Ezechiela) i ponad 200 artykułów.
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