“A spirit of wisdom came to me” (Wis 7:7). Relationship Between Old Testament Wisdom and the Activity of the Holy Spirit

Marcin Zieliński

John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The presented article deals with the biblical expression “spirit of Wisdom” (cf. Wis 7:7) and examines its relation to the figure of The Holy Spirit as revealed definitively in the New Testament. After a short presentation of the relation between spirit and wisdom in the Old Testament, we analyze some aspects of wisdom’s activity, based on the text of Wis 7-9, and then compare those characteristics with selected passages from the New Testament, showing the activity of the Holy Spirit. The article presents some analogies and similarities between these two realities, wisdom and the Holy Spirit. Both are depicted as a spiritual gift which guides people’s choices. The aspect of continuous presence is underlined, as well as the connection with joy and fulfillment of human life. These similarities seem to derive from the spiritual nature of both realities, their coming from the same source – from God, and from the historical contexts in which the book of Wisdom and the New Testament books were written.


wisdom, Holy Spirit, gift, presence, joy

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Marcin Zieliński  donmjz@gmail.com
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Ks. Marcin Zieliński, prezbiter archidiecezji lubelskiej. Odbył studia w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym w Lublinie oraz Papieskim Instytucie Biblijnym w Rzymie. Po uzyskniu licencjatu z nauk biblijnych w 2008 roku, rozpoczął prace nad doktoratem na Papieskim Uniwersytecie Gregoriańskim. Stopień doktora uzyskał na KUL w 2015 roku na podstawie pracy La gioia e la tristezza nel libro della Sapienza. Obszarem jego zainteresowań są księgi mądrościowe.



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