Media Education and the New Evangelization. Part One: Media Components and Challenges

Mirosław Chmielewski

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


This article represents the first instalment of a two-part study on the relationship between media education and the new evangelization. The author puts forward a claim that pursuing the new evangelization in the Church demands the media education of the evangelizers and their cooperation with leaders in media education. Proving this thesis advances via three stages: (1) Outlining selected components of the media context of the new evangelization, in light of selected theses from the Church Magisterium; (2) Discussing selected challenges for both media education and the new evangelization; and (3) Presenting selected postulates and educational proposals for media literacy formation and the new evangelization. This last part outlines five media components of the new evangelization, along with three main challenges for both media and the new evangelization, stemming from their interrelationship. The main research methods used in this article are: the Magisterial method, sub ratione Dei, and comparative synthesis.


media education, new evangelization, internet, social media, theology of media

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Chmielewski, M. (2020). Media Education and the New Evangelization. Part One: Media Components and Challenges. Verbum Vitae, 37(2), 407–425.

Mirosław Chmielewski
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Mirosław Chmielewski, a priest of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (CSsR), Ph.D. habil. in the field of pastoral theology/media literacy, assistant professor in the Department of Modern Forms of the Transmission of Faith at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, lecturer at the Redemptorists’ Seminary in Tuchów, consultant at the Council for Means of Social Communications of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, member of the Association of Polish Catechists, Polish Society of Social Communication, Polish Society for Media Literacy and a co-founder of NATAN Association of Pedagogues. Research interests include pastoral theology, media literacy and education, media theology, theology and anthropology of preaching, public relations of the Church.


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