On Some Anthropological Foundations of Spirituality

Andrzej Krzysztof Jastrzębski

St. Paul University, Ottawa , Canada


Taking into account today’s progression towards a more complete notion of spirituality, the development of its universal, anthropological foundations are of vital importance. These roots can be found in the classical metaphysical understanding of the human mind. From a practical point of view, spirituality expresses itself in the ways in which people think and behave. To better understand the anthropological underpinnings of spirituality, we first examine two distinct ways of discovering reality: intuition of being and intuition of good. Looking at these intuitions will then give us a better understanding of the issues pertaining to spirituality characterized by a self-transcending dynamism.


spirituality, mind, intuition, existence, goodness

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Jastrzębski, A. K. (2020). On Some Anthropological Foundations of Spirituality. Verbum Vitae, 37(2), 381–390. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.8636

Andrzej Krzysztof Jastrzębski  ajastrzebski@ustpaul.ca
St. Paul University, Ottawa https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2637-7706


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