The church and parish in the village of Świątki in the light of the oldest sources and the post-visitation report from 1567

Andrzej Kopiczko ks.

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie , Poland


The article presents the origin of the parish in Świątki and its development until the second half of the 16th century. On the basis of the oldest archival sources, the glebe of the first ministers and the villages allocated to the local church were described. Attention was also paid to the feast of St. Cosmas and Damian’s patronage, which is found only at this temple in Warmia. However, the most information was extracted from the oldest post-visitation report, which was drawn up in 1567 by Canon Samson Worein. He described in detail the church equipment, including the book collection, presented the parish priest and teacher Georgius Schröter, as well as the order of services. The men­tion of a nobleman, commander of the bishop’s troops, David Braxein, who lost his faith but was eventually buried in the local church, is also interesting. The collected materials are a valuable source for the history of this parish, but also more broadly of Warmia, the forms of pastoral ministry, economic relations, and the social conditions of the era, especially those resulting from the influence of a new denomination – Lutheranism.


Świątki; Warmia; churches; monuments; pastoral ministry; visitation

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Andrzej Kopiczko ks.  andrzejkopiczko@wp.pl
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9834-2433