An attempt to reorganize the structure of the Roman Catholic parishes in Lublin in the years 1864-1866

Jakub Rożek

Instytut Historii Kościoła i Patrologii KUL , Poland


The Church performs its task of leading people to salvation, among others, through organizing chaplaincy in parishes. It means that parishes are extremely important centres of each diocese and the community of the faithful. It was the same in Lublin in the 1960s. Due to the fact that there were only two parishes in the city, the pastoral work of diocesan priests was also supported by religious orders. However, the tsarist government, in November 1864, dissolved most of the monasteries in the Kingdom of Poland, which caused difficulties in providing appropriate pastoral care. Therefore, at the end of 1864, the then administrator of the Diocese of Lublin Rev. Kazimierz Sosnowski made an attempt to reorganize a parish life in Lublin in order to satisfy religious needs of the faithful and fill the gap left by the dissolved monasteries. The reorganization involved creating two new parishes in the churches which had belonged to the Capuchins and Bernardines before their dissolution and transferring a parish service from St Nicholas Church to St Agnes Church, which had been in the possession of the Augustinians before the dissolution. In order to conduct this project, Rev. Sosnowski started negotiations with the Government Commission of Internal Affairs and Clergy, which finally ended in 1866. This article details the various stages of these negotiations, their causes and effects.


administrator of the Diocese of Lublin Rev. Kazimierz Sosnowski, parish, Lublin, Włodzimierz Czerkaski, the Government Commission of Internal Affairs and Clergy, the dissolution of the monasteries, St Nicholas Church in Lublin, St Agnes Church in Lublin, the Conversion of St. Paul Church in Lublin, Saints Peter and Paul Church in Lublin

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Rożek, J. (2016). Próba reorganizacji siatki parafii rzymskokatolickich w Lublinie w latach 1864-1866. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 106, 193–218. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.12103

Jakub Rożek 
Instytut Historii Kościoła i Patrologii KUL