Giuseppe Garampi and Miscellanee Ecclesiastiche in the Archives of the Warsaw Nunciature

Paweł Zając ks. OMI

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań , Poland


The body of historiography devoted to Giuseppe Garampi is steadily growing. The upcoming 300th anniversary of G. Garampi’s birth has provided an opportunity to intensify studies dedicated to the eminent cardinal. Historians are interested, among other things, in his achievements as prefect of the Vatican Secret Archives and his activities as nuncio in Warsaw and Vienna. The article recalls the main directions of research related to Garampi’s life and intellectual work, especially during the period of the Warsaw nunciature in 1772–1776. His stay in Warsaw as apostolic nuncio allowed him to organize the archive of the nunciature and enrich it with abundant documentation on the history of the Church in the Commonwealth. Garampi also began a systematic study of the history of the nunciature in Poland, and continued this activity when staying in Vienna after leaving Warsaw. The historiographical considerations constitute an introduction to a detailed index of the contents of volumes 93–99 of the archives of the Warsaw Nunciature (Archivio Apostolico Vaticano, Arch. Nunz. Varsavia), collected and organized by Garampi. Labelled Miscellanee ecclesiastiche, they contain important material on such matters as ecclesiastical jurisdiction and disputes over compositio inter status, the Jewish population and trials on ritual murder charges, the assassination attempt of Stanisław August, the Commission on National Education and marriage dispensations, mourning the death of Clement XIV and the election of Pius VI, regulations on fasts and observance of holy days of obligation, financial matters and taxes of the clergy, and finally matters relating to the Uniates.


archive, historiography, Cardinal Giuseppe Garampi, Vatican Secret Archive, nuncio, Warsaw Nunciature


Archivio Apostolico Vaticano (AAV)

Arch. Nunz. Varsavia 93-99.


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Zając ks. OMI, P. (2024). Giuseppe Garampi i Miscellanee Ecclesiastiche w archiwum nuncjatury warszawskiej. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 122, 451–480. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.16661

Paweł Zając ks. OMI  pawel.zajac@amu.edu.pl
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1764-9976