The notes of father Johannes Chrząszcz about world war I. The figure of upper silesian historian to commemorate the 90th anniversary of his death

Piotr Górecki

Katedra Historii Kościoła i Patrologii Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwerystetu Opolskiego , Poland


The 90th anniversary of Fr. Johannes Chrząszcz’s death held in 2018 is a good opportunity to bring the figure of this Upper Silesian priest to a wider circle of readers. Fr. Piotr Górecki in his article presents the figure of Fr. Chrząszcz mentioning the most important events of his priestly life and bringing closer his scientific activity, numbering 172 works, mainly from the history of Upper Silesia. On the basis of the 100th anniversary of the ending of the World War I Górecki first of all reflects on the attitude of the Silesian priest towards secular power. The chronicle records made by Fr. Chrząszcz in the book about two Upper Silesian towns Toszek and Pyskowice are the source of research. The reading of already older at that time priest’s writings reveals to us the great dilemmas faced by him and his contemporary priests. It seems that his loyal attitude was to avoid any social upheavals and revolts, even at the price of uncompromising loyalty to the secular power and maintenance of “alliance of the altar and the throne” brought out through the ages. This attitude characterised also a large group of priests from different parts of Poland occupied by the invaders. The discourse confirms the thesis that both Fr. Chrząszcz as well as some of his contemporary Church representatives were a kind of epigones of the passing era. They did not notice the dawn of a new era and the birth of a new order, which brought the rebirth of Poland and the new hope for Silesia. This is the reason why the attitude of Fr. Chrząszcz was omitted by his descendants in their historical works. It is a pity, because the awareness of Fr. Chrząszcz’s scientific legacy may help to get a better understanding of Silesian history, as well as to realize rich multicultural heritage associated with Silesians for centuries.


father Johannes (Jan) Chrząszcz, history of Church in Silesia, Upper Silesia, world war I

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Piotr Górecki 
Katedra Historii Kościoła i Patrologii Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwerystetu Opolskiego https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6052-3968