Changes in the interest rate of the National Bank of Poland in the 21st century against the Taylor rule

Paweł Błaszczyk

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu , Poland


The main purpose of the present study is to analyse changes in the interest rate of the National Bank of Poland in the 21st century. The Taylor rule, which often constitutes the reference to changes in short-term interest rates, was used as a research tool. In many cases, despite its relative simplicity, it describes well the actual changes in interest rates at central banks. The study consists of three main parts. The first outlines the contemporary monetary policy, attempting to capture its consensus in terms of goals, instruments and strategies. The role of rules and discretion in monetary policy was shown. The second part presents the methodology of the empirical research used in this paper. The main research assumptions were indicated and the construction of the Taylor’s rule was discussed. The third part of the article contains empirical studies in which an analysis of changes in the reference rate of the National Bank of Poland in the 21st century was carried out against the background of the Taylor rule. Selected decisions regarding changes in this rate were assessed, in particular in the years 2015-2020.


monetary policy, the Taylor rule, price stability

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Błaszczyk, P. (2021). Zmiany stopy procentowej Narodowego Banku Polskiego w XXI w. na tle reguły Taylora. Przegląd Prawno-Ekonomiczny, (4), 73–85.

Paweł Błaszczyk
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu


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