The Stimulus Function in the State Tax Policy on the Example of the Polish Economy

Barbara Zbroińska

Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce , Poland


The aim of the article is to evaluate the effectiveness of tax instruments in the stimulus function. Tax instruments can be considered effective when they influence business decisions as intended by the legislator and produce measurable, intended economic effects. The subject of the study is income tax and the use of the R&D tax credit and the preferential tax rate on income from intellectual property rights (PIT/CIT IP), from 2016 to 2021. The methods of document examination, quantitative and qualitative analysis of statistical data on income tax settlement and enterprise expenditures on research and development activities have been used. Privileges in the form of R&D tax credits and a preferential PIT/CIT IP tax rate have been shown to send strong incentives. This is evidenced by the high dynamics of the number of taxpayers taking advantage of these benefits and the amount of R&D expenditures deducted and PIT/CIT IP due. A more effective tool of the income tax’s stimulus function is the R&D tax credit. Corporate income taxpayers and individuals taxed at a flat rate reap the greatest tax benefits.


tax policy, tax instruments, innovation, research and development activities

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Barbara Zbroińska
Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce


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