The Common Good in the Teaching of Popes John Paul II and Francis, and Selected Aspects of Economic Theory

Anna Horodecka

SGH Warsaw School of Economics , Poland

Andrzej Jakub Żuk

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The main purpose of the article is to present compare and evaluate contemporary concepts of the common good formulated by economists in relation to the understanding of the common good by Popes John Paul II and Francis. This study, therefore, aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion on the common good by presenting an interdisciplinary perspective integrating the traditions of Catholic social teaching with contemporary economic concepts, thereby enriching the understanding of the category of the common good in economic theory.
The article highlights the tendency of economic theory towards one-dimensional and relativistic concepts of the common good and suggests the search for simultaneously two-dimensional and universalistic economic ideas of the common good. It recognizes the achievements of Popes John Paul II and Francis in deepening the understanding of the category of the common good and assumes that this teaching can serve as a research inspiration for economists. The work also shows how the category of the common good prompts a re-evaluation and enables modification of the basic assumptions of economic theory, such as homo oeconomicus or the understanding of rationality.


common good, Catholic social teaching, humanistic economics, social economics, economic personalism, heterodox economics, philosophy of economics

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Anna Horodecka 
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Andrzej Jakub Żuk
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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