Acts of Internal Management in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister
Krystian Wasilewski
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland
The purpose of this article is to examine the specific nature of internal management acts applied within the Chancellery of the Prime Minister (KPRM). The research problem centers on the overlap of different forms of leadership – those of the Prime Minister, ministers (including secretaries and undersecretaries of state), and the Head of the Chancellery – and their mutual relationships in the application of internal management acts within the same public administration office. An interesting issue is to determine whether such a complex management structure, involving the coexistence of various governing bodies, is conducive to the effectiveness of the Chancellery’s operations and the fulfilment of the tasks entrusted to it. The organization of the KPRM is, to a certain extent, subject to the current policies of the Council of Ministers, with changes in the organizational structure adjusted to the government’s current priorities. The management of the KPRM is reserved for the Head of the Chancellery, whose role extends beyond typical administrative functions. The Head of the Chancellery is not required to serve as a minister, which makes this position unique in the context of governmental administrative structure. From the perspective of administrative science, an important issue is the overlap of governing authority among the Prime Minister, ministers (including secretaries and undersecretaries of state), and the Head of the Chancellery. An interesting doctrinal issue is the proper understanding of the application of mangerial acts within the Chancellery of the Prime Minister. In this office, internal management acts issued by separate governing bodies coexist but do not always complement one another. This raises the question of whether this complex approach to managing the office enables effective functioning of the public administration and the accomplishment of its tasks.
government administration, office of the Prime Minister, managerial authority,References
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The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

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