The Editorial Secretary verifies the articles which have been sent to the Journal from the formal perspective (see: Guidelines for Authors). Next, after the preliminary review by the Topic Editor, the Editorial Team decides whether to send the paper for review or reject it.

Double-blind review model is used. Reviewers are independent researchers affiliated to an institution different from that of the author. The reviewers asses the compliance of the text with the title, the scope of research and the thesis formulated in the introduction, its implementation and the solution/conclusion provided by the Author. They also evaluate the correctness of the content (methodology, terminology, sources cited), provide feedback on illustrative material (charts, graphs, diagrams etc.) and linguistic correctness. The reviewers asses the quality and validity of presented research and may provide their review in writing. The reviewing process ends by providing a recommendation for the Editorial Team (to accept the text, to accept the text after a minor revision suggested by the reviewer, to accept the text after a major revision suggested by the reviewer and re-reviewing it, to reject the text).

Two positive reviews are necessary for the manuscript to be published. The Editorial Team makes the final decision on whether to publish the article or not.

Review form template available below:

Review form_Przegląd Prawno-Ekonomiczny.pdf