Selected legal consequences of the death and disappearance of the breadwinner for persons entitled to maintenance and the need to introduce temporary survivor’s pension

Maja Maciejewska-Szałas

University of Gdańsk , Poland

Justyna Świątek-Rudoman

University of Gdańsk , Poland


The subject of this article is the selected legal consequences of the death and disappearance of the breadwinner for persons entitled to maintenance in the context of the need to establish a temporary survivor’s pension and introduce a special procedure resulting in the award of the benefit in question. For the purpose of the argument, a dogmatic-legal method was used. The aim of the article is to present and analyse the complicated procedure in cases involving declaration of death and related doubts, and above all, the submission of de lege ferenda proposals for the introduction into the legal order of a temporary survivor’s pension in cases when the breadwinner is missing and the possible procedure for its award. The death of the person owing maintenance gives rise to the right to survivor’s pension. In contrast, the disappearance of the breadwinner does not translate into automatic establishment of protection for persons entitled to maintenance. In principle, a legally valid court declaration of the death of a missing person is possible only after a decade since the end of the calendar year in which they disappeared. In view of the above, especially minor children are left destitute for a very long time. In order to avoid such situations, the authors propose the introduction of a temporary survivor’s pension in the event of the disappearance of the breadwinner and outline a possible procedure for its award. It would look as follows: the submission of an application for a temporary survivor’s pension by the rightholder would be possible after a one-year grace period from the date of disappearance of the breadwinner, whilst this circumstance would be determined and verified by law enforcement agencies. Subsequently, following an investigation by the pension authority, it would grant the rightholder a benefit in the form of a temporary survivor’s pension. In the case of a refusal and appeal by the applicant, court proceedings would be opened, i.e. separate proceedings in labour and social security cases with full right to adduce evidence and ordinary court’s jurisdiction.


temporary survivor’s pension, survivor’s pension, loss of breadwinner, disappearance, declaration of death

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Maciejewska-Szałas, M. ., & Świątek-Rudoman, J. (2023). Wybrane konsekwencje prawne śmierci i zaginięcia żywiciela rodziny względem osób uprawnionych do alimentacji a potrzeba wprowadzenia tymczasowej renty rodzinnej. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (2), 153–173.

Maja Maciejewska-Szałas
University of Gdańsk
Justyna Świątek-Rudoman 
University of Gdańsk


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