The learned helplessness syndrome in the context of the crime of abuse

Marta Romańczuk-Grącka

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn , Poland


The subject matter of this article is the learned helplessness syndrome as a possible consequence of violence occurring in the psychological sphere of the victim in the context of features of the abuse. The paper aims to answer the question: what is the significance of the learned helplessness syndrome in terms of criminal liability for the crime of abuse? The article is of a theoretical nature and based on dogmatic tools.

As a result of the analysis, it was found that the learned helplessness syndrome does not constitute a direct feature of abuse and its occurrence is not necessary to attribute such a crime to the perpetrator. Its occurrence may, however, be in line with the juridical criterion of the severity of moral suffering caused by physical or mental abuse. In terms of criminal law, the learned helplessness syndrome does not result from abuse, and the basic type of this crime is of a formal nature. This does not mean that the learned helplessness syndrome cannot be the outcome of a crime at all. In such a case, the cumulative legal classification of the act must be taken into account. The learned helplessness syndrome causes real damage to mental health, therefore, it may constitute a quantifier of the social harmfulness of an act, which is why its occurrence and degree have an impact on the penalty in concreto


violence, crime of abuse, learned helplessness syndrome

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Marta Romańczuk-Grącka
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


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