The dilemmas of automated decision making in administrative proceedings – comments in the context of § 14 1b of the Administrative Procedure Code

Martyna Wilbrandt-Gotowicz

Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw , Poland


The issue of automated administrative decision making sparks numerous doubts related to the reg­ulations concerning the legal basis for such solution and the issue of ensuring appropriate procedural guaran­tees for the participating parties. The doctrine lacks consistent assessments regarding interpretation of § 14 1b of the Administrative Procedure Code which projects the possibility of handling cases utilizing an automatically generated missive. Through utilizing the dogmatic method this study engages in the analysis and assessment of this provision in terms of the capacity for automated decision making through utilizing artificial intelligence and its influence on the legal position of an individual. Furthermore, this study presents the postulates concern­ing regulating algorithmic decision making as a separate mode of jurisdictional proceedings.


automated decision issuing, algorithmic decision making, automated administrative act

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Wilbrandt-Gotowicz, M. (2023). Dylematy automatycznego podejmowania decyzji w postępowaniu administracyjnym – uwagi na tle art. 14 § 1b Kodeksu postępowania administracyjnego. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 141–158.

Martyna Wilbrandt-Gotowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw


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