Two faces of the precautionary pronciple in investing and building process

Piotr Dembicki


The aim of the article is to analyze the regulations and assumed essence of precautionary principle as a principle in environmental protection law. These considerations are linked to practice during realization of investing and building processes. The precautionary principle is present in polish law and in EU law although there are significant differences between assumed essences of this principle. For these reasons the precautionary principle has two faces. Depending on chosen face of this principle it is a real support for specific environmental protection law requirements and also this principle can cause blocking investing and building processes at given ground. Moreover the basics of regulations and applying of this principle is dubious. Unfortunately current practice of this matter is divergent and doesn’t bring good solution of this issue.




is divergent and doesn’t bring good solution of this issue.


precautionary principle;, Natura 2000;, principle of sustainable development;, investing and building process

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Piotr Dembicki 


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