Reopening of proceedings in the Czech administrative court procedure

Agnieszka Ziółkowska

Uniwersytet Śląski , Poland


The normative act that regulates administrative court procedure in the Czech Republic is Zákon soudní řád správní, which in part third provides for two extraordinary legal measures against a final judgment: the cassation appeal and the demand to reopen administrative court proceedings. Importantly, in the Czech administrative court procedure, the classical grounds for the reopening of proceedings are new circumstances and new evidence that a party to the proceedings could have used without their fault in the original pro­ceedings. The catalogue of the positive conditions for the demand to reopen proceedings is provided for in § 111 s.ř.s. The legislator has positively enumerated court proceedings in which a demand to reopen proceed­ings is admissible (§ 114 s.ř.s.). The demand to reopen proceedings does not have a devolutive character, and its submission has a relatively suspensive effect. Proceedings launched by the demand to reopen administrative proceedings encompass two phases: the first one (iudicium rescindens) involves the examination of the fulfil­ment of the conditions for the examination of the demand to reopen proceedings. This stage is concluded by a judgment so as to the admissibility of reopening, or rejecting the demand to reopen proceedings. The second stage (iudicium rescissorium), reopening the proceedings, consists in a substantive examination of the demand.



demand to reopen proceedings, stages of reopened proceedings, administrative court procedure

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Agnieszka Ziółkowska
Uniwersytet Śląski


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