Outline of the basics for protecting banking secrecy in Italy

Marta Sagan

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski , Poland


The purpose of the article is to provide an overview of the basics of protecting banking secrecy in the Italian legal order. It requires an analysis of criminal, civil, constitutional, and, of course, banking law norms. The choice of topic was determined by the fact that, despite the long banking tradition and the existence of a banking secrecy institution in Italy, there is no provision or legal regulation directly forcing one to to keep it. It is derived from the norms of various branches of law and is not uniformly recognised by the doctrine. Due to the extensiveness of the presented issue, it has only been outlined - an attempt has been made to highlight the most important elements that differentiate individual concepts regarding the protection of information covered by banking secrecy. The lack of clear legal basis for the institution of banking secrecy is primarily a problem of determining its scope and thus protecting public and private interests, which may be contradictory.


banking secrecy, protection, basics, privacy, information

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Marta Sagan  msagan@ur.edu.pl
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1385-2141


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