Legal nature of liability for non-vaccinating a child

Sebastian Czechowicz

Uniwersytet Łódzki , Poland


Mandatory vaccinations are the basis for numerous discussions and controversies not only among the public, but also among sociologists, epidemiologists and lawyers. The obligation to undergo vaccinations concerns primarily children, so it will be performed by the legal or factual guardians of the minor. In recent years, there has been an increase in the proportion of children not vaccinated. Avoiding the obligation to vaccinate is currently an increasing social and legal problem.

This article is devoted to the issue of responsibility for evasion of compulsory vaccination in terms of criminal law dogma. The demonstrated links between the activity of public administration and the contemporary law of offence, which penalizes the evasion of the obligation to vaccinate, will help to understand the multi-faceted structure of mutual relations between the currently separated branches of law.This highlights the mixed nature of the responsibility for not carrying out mandatory preventive vaccination.



criminal liability, administrative coercion, obligation to vaccinate, evasion of compulsory preventive vaccination

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Sebastian Czechowicz
Uniwersytet Łódzki


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