Municipal Waste Produced on Uninhabited Properties. Legal Issues

Sławomir Dudzik

Uniwersytet Jagielloński , Poland

Ewelina Rumak

Uniwersytet Jagielloński , Poland


The aim of the article is to define the boundaries of the legal notion of ‘munic­ipal solid waste’ with respect to solid waste produced in uninhabited property, i.e. outside households. Setting of those boundaries has a significant meaning for tasks and competences of municipalities in the area of solid waste management. It determines, inter alia, the material scope of local legal acts concerning collec­tion of solid waste from property owners, and in consequence, also the extent of tenders organised in this field by the municipal authorities. The authors advocate a broad understanding of the analysed notion, justified by the wording of the relevant legal provisions and the effectiveness of the solid waste management for which municipalities are responsible. The subjectmatter of the article is analysed in the light of both the Polish and EU legal regulations and jurisprudence.


municipal solid waste, solid waste management, uninhabited property

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Dudzik, S., & Rumak, E. (2019). Odpady komunalne powstające na nieruchomościach niezamieszkałych. Problematyka prawna. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 69–90.

Sławomir Dudzik 
Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Ewelina Rumak 
Uniwersytet Jagielloński


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