Changes in Terms of Penal Measures in the Light of the Amendment to the Criminal Code of 13 June 2019

Damian Szeleszczuk

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


Changes in penal measures resulting from the amendment to the Penal Code of 13 June 2019 constitute the subject matter of the article. The author analyses the consequences of those changes. The authors of the amendments to the act declared that the level would increase the protection of children through criminal law, which was their main motive. The article reveals various errors and disad­vantages of the legal framework adopted, which do not allow for a positive as­sessment of the above mentioned amendment. The article also raises the issues related to changes accounting for a criminal measure in the form of a driving ban. The article refers to the amendments to the Criminal Code, which resulted in sig­nificant strengthening of criminal liability for transport crime. The author gives a critical review and demonstrates the fallacy of certain provisions and their in­consistency with other Code stipulations. Furthermore, taking such radical meas­ures – contrary to what the amendment authors pointed out – is not justified by the increasing crime rate. The author is critical about the proposed amendments, emphasising their excessive repressiveness, which is not reasoned by the need to protect traffic safety.


criminal law, amendment to the Penal Code, penal measures, driving ban

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Damian Szeleszczuk 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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