Abraham. Ten, który wbrew nadziei uwierzył nadziei

Zdzisław Pawłowski


In this article entitled 'Abraham: the one w ho against hope, in hope believed' we have tried to defin a hope in terms of narrative transformation of Abraham's identity. Abraham as a member of a genealogical tree of Terah lived in a history and a world of his father, unable to live his own independent life (Gen 11,27-32). Only the word of God's promise (Gen 12,1-3) bas been powerful enough to turn him into a new person, opened towards future. In this process hope bas been playing an indispensable role. Shaped by the promise it transgresses every historical circumstances towards eschatological goal.


Abraham, nadzieja, Księga Rodzaju, obietnica

Supporting Agencies:


Pawłowski, Z. (2006). Abraham. Ten, który wbrew nadziei uwierzył nadziei. Verbum Vitae, 9, 14–31. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.1401

Zdzisław Pawłowski  naporus@gmail.com


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