The Cultural Dimension of Catholic Liturgical Rites in Catholic Religious Education in the Context of the Objectives of the Education System in Italy

Andrzej Kiciński

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland

Vincenzo Annicchiarico

Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose “S. Giovanni Paolo II”, Taranto, Italy , Italy


This article aims to show the possibility of an academic approach to teaching the Catholic religion at school to the liturgical rites of the Catholic Church from a cultural perspective. Liturgical rites consist of numerous signs and symbols that refer to the human dimension, which seeks what is beautiful, true, and good. At all levels, one of the main objectives of Italian and European schools is to teach, educate, and raise responsible and upright citizens. Therefore, while contributing to the general formation of the human being at school, the teaching of Catholic religion also draws students closer, in cultural terms, to the great code, i.e., the liturgy of the Catholic Church. It is certainly a form of public and social communication. It is education in action. In this sense, for example, it could be a considerable and systematic cultural opportunity for Ukrainian students residing in Poland, a chance to learn the symbolic language of the Catholic liturgy in the perspective of reaching human maturity without fear of proselytism from the Catholic Church. This article in no way intends to diminish the intrinsic value of the liturgy in the life of the Church, understood as a celebration, proclamation, commemoration, promise, and moral call whose purpose is to transform or transfigure the person so that he/she is oriented toward the highest good, i.e., God, and able to live a life of mutual love


teaching Catholic religion, liturgy, culture, public school, human formation

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Kiciński, A., & Annicchiarico, V. (2022). The Cultural Dimension of Catholic Liturgical Rites in Catholic Religious Education in the Context of the Objectives of the Education System in Italy. Verbum Vitae, 40(4), 843–868.

Andrzej Kiciński
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Rev. Andrzej Kiciński, Th.D. Hab. Professor of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Poland). Head of the Chair of Special Catechetics and Contemporary Forms of Faith Transmission. Expert on the assessment of religious teaching programs and catechetical textbooks at the Commission of Catholic Education of the Conference of the Polish Episcopate. Research interests: religious education, media education, education of people with disabilities (autism), catechetics.
Vincenzo Annicchiarico 
Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose “S. Giovanni Paolo II”, Taranto, Italy

Rev. Vincenzo Annicchiarico, Professor of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences "S. Giovanni Paolo II" – Apulian Theological Faculty (Italy), former Head of the National Service for the Teaching of Catholic Religion of the Italian Episcopal Conference, Professor of Didactics and Active Training Internship of the Teaching of Catholic Religion, Professor of Fundamental Catechettics, author of numerous publications on the Teaching of the Catholic Religion in Italy and Europe  with particular reference to the epistemological status of the discipline and the ongoing formation of teachers of Catholic religion, also author of numerous publications on the Catechetics with particular reference to the new evangelization and interaction with mass media culture. Research interests: Professional training of future teachers of Catholic Religion, methodology of teaching the Catholic Religion; catechesis in the new media culture.


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