(Re)vision of Religious Education of Children and Youth in Secularized Polish Society

Anna Zellma

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn , Poland


Rapidly progressing multifaceted secularization processes in Polish society strongly influence the shape of religious education of children and adolescents in the school environment. They determine a number of dimensions of the social and mental activity of young people. Their effects are visible, es­pecially in the attitudes of children and youth to God, the Church, religious lessons, moral norms, and religious practices. This situation raises new challenges for the religious education of the young. Reading this as a “sign of the times,” this article revises religious education in Polish schools. The need to reor­ganize the model of religious education lessons and to introduce changes in the curricular assumptions of religious education teaching, in student textbooks and methodological guides is pointed out. Pre-evangelization and educational activities, resignation from the mere transfer of religious knowledge, and the development of preconceived skills and attitudes are considered important. The author emphasizes the value of providing opportunities for the construction of knowledge and for the student’s own en­gagement during religious education lessons. In this context, much attention is paid to the role of the re­ligious education teacher, who is to be first and foremost a companion on a journey, an educator and a witness of faith, open to new challenges, able to communicate effectively with students, creative, and tolerant. The right personality traits of the religious education teacher and their multiple competencies (including communicative and interpersonal ones) play a key role in religious education. They guarantee the effectiveness of communication within a group of religious lesson participants. They foster authentic interpersonal relationships and community-building, thus meeting the natural needs of young people. In practice, they require a paradigm shift in the formation of religious education teachers.


religious education, children, youth, secularization, religion teacher, pre-evangelization, revision of religious education, accompanying

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Anna Zellma  anna.zellma@uwm.edu.pl
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Anna Zellma, Professor of Theological Sciences; scientific discipline: Theological Sciences; Head of the Chair of Pastoral Theology and Catechetics at the Faculty of Theology, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. A graduate of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. Member of the Commission for the Evaluation of Teaching (2019-2023) and Vice-President of the Association of Polish Catechists (from 2021). Consultant to the Commission for Catholic Education of the Polish Bishops' Conference (from 2015) and a member of The European Equipe for Catechesis (EEC) and the European Forum for Religious Education in Schools (EuFRES). Also, a member of the expert team for the development of the new core curriculum for catechesis of the Catholic Church in Poland and the new curriculum for teaching Roman Catholic religion in kindergartens and schools (2015-2018). The author of three monographs (e.g., Profesjonalny rozwój nauczyciela religii [Professional Development of the Teacher of Religion], Olsztyn 2013) and three co-authored monographs (e.g., Die ökumenische Pädagogik von Papst Franziskus. Auf dem Weg zu einem neuen Verständnis von Martin Luther und seinem Erbe, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlage, 2021). Additionally, the person has written numerous scientific and popular science articles and has actively participated in many national and international scientific conferences. Research interests:  The application of modern didactics and psychology in school teaching of religion;  The correlation of religious instruction with school education and parish catechesis; The professional development of the teacher of religion; The application of pedagogical knowledge in the official activities of police officers; Catechesis of youth; Upbringing in the family; Pedagogy of positive tolerance.



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