Light Symbolism in the Didactic Literature of the Old Testament

Łukasz Laskowski

Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie - Wyższy Instytut Teologiczny im. NMP Stolicy Mądrości w Częstochowie; Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Archidiecezji Częstochowskiej; Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Sosnowieckiej ,


The article analyzes the use of the metaphor of light in the didactic books of the Old Testament. In the biblical tradition, light signifies primarily earthly life. Theophany psalms describe God as the source of light, even though darkness accompanies Him, in order to canopy His sanctity and to provide safety to people. Thanks to the experience of the God’s help, the Chosen People as a whole, as well as each individual Israelite, can confess that God is light. The requests and pleadings addressed to God in order to receive His help and blessing are also expressed through the metaphor of light. The understanding of God’s Law as light guiding one to God is another notable use of this metaphor. The element of light is also connected with the theology cultivated by the sapiential tradition, signifying wisdom and truth. Thus, the metaphor of light extends from mythological images evoking the Ancient Near Eastern traditions on the perspectives appropriate to the later biblical books.


Psalms, Job, theophany, the word of God, light, wisdom, life, truth

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Łukasz Laskowski
Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie - Wyższy Instytut Teologiczny im. NMP Stolicy Mądrości w Częstochowie; Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Archidiecezji Częstochowskiej; Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Sosnowieckiej


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