The Dynamics of the „Covenant of Peace” in the Book of Ezekiel

Wojciech Pikor

Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydział Teologiczny , Poland


The motif of „covenant of peace”, as found in some Ancient Near Eastern texts, is presented in the Hebrew Bible by the Priestly tradition. Ezekiel refers to the covenant of peace in two oracles: Ezek 34:35-30 and 37:26-28. He not only goes beyond the primeval myth but also modifies the Priestly concept as expressed in Lev 26. Ezekiel’s promise of the covenant of peace consists of three elements: safety from wild animals, security against famine, and freedom from human enemies. However, the essence of this covenant is peace understood as God’s presence amongst his people, which is the only source of the people’s safety, welfare and salvation.


Book of Ezekiel, Leviticus, covenant of peace, new covenant, land of Israel, temple, peace

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Wojciech Pikor
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydział Teologiczny


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