Mariology of Petrarch in the Song "Vergine bella, che di sol vestita"

Das Gedicht Vergine bella, che di sol vestita von Francesco Petrarca

Piotr Tadeusz Waszkiewicz

SGMK Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School , Poland


Petrarch is often contrasted with the “Divine Poet”, Dante. His poetry focuses on the figure of Laura and his love for her, thus departing from medieval theocentrism. However, living on the boundary between two eras, Petrarch set certain trends in poetry and theology. His collection of poetry is crowned with a Mariological treasure of medieval poetry. This article seeks to delve into the theological aspect of Petrarch’s poetry in the song Vergine bella, che di sol vestita in an attempt to discover what kind of theologian and Mariologist he was. Of crucial importance is whether this song is a departure from his earlier anthropocentric perspective and, consequently, whether it represents a polemic or a point of encounter with Dante. To answer these questions, the article describes the probable context in which the Vergine bella was written and, above all, analyses selected invocations of the song, making it possible to discover references to earlier authors (from the patristic era to Francis of Assisi and Dante) and the original contribution of Petrarca himself, who, fundamentally faithful to his anthropocentric approach, sees Mary as a “human virgin” exceptionally compassionate towards human misery. It is the title Vergine humana that seems to constitute the most original note of Petrarca’s Mariology and an exciting point of his encounter with Dante.


Petrarca Francesco, medieval Marian poetry, Italian poetry of the 14th century, Renaissance exegesis, Mariology, anthropocentrism

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Piotr Tadeusz Waszkiewicz
SGMK Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

Piotr Tadeusz Waszkiewicz (o. Wawrzyniec Maria) - katolicki kapłan, administrator węgierskojęzycznej parafii na Słowacji. Magister informacji naukowej i bibliotekoznawstwa, doktorant w Kolegium Filozofii i Teologii Szkoły Głównej Mikołaja Kopernika. Autor książek, w tym biografii św. Wawrzyńca z Brindisi (Bosy Generał, Kraków 2023) oraz Marii Gaetany Agnesi (Piękna dusza, Kraków 2017). Interesuje się mariologią, zwłaszcza epoki potrydenckiej.


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