The Harmony of the Universe in Sirach’s Depiction of Celestial Bodies (Sir 43:1-10)

Andrzej Piwowar

Instytut Nauk Biblijnych KUL , Poland


Sir 42:15–43:33 constitutes a hymn celebrating the Creator and his creations. There the sage expresses his fascination with the created world, which stands as a testimony to God’s greatness, might and beauty. In the passage 43:1-10 Sirach depicts the sky and its celestial bodies: the sun, moon and stars, focusing primarily on their extraordinary greatness and beauty. When the Greek version of the text is read more carefully, however, it is clear that the section mentions also the harmony and order of the universe, which are manifestations of God’s wisdom. The depictions of the moon (43:6-8) and the stars (43:9-10) express these truths explicitly. In the poetic descriptions of the firmament (43:1) and the sun (43:2-5), however, they are conveyed implicitly, through the meaning of words such as e.g. stereōma, and in the functions assigned to the heavenly bodies by God.


Sir 43, 1-10, harmony of the universe, creation, Creator, firmament (the sky), sun, moon, stars

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Andrzej Piwowar
Instytut Nauk Biblijnych KUL


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