Three Faces of Wrath. How John Casian Was Writing in a New Way about an Old Issue

Szymon Hiżycki

Tyniec Abbey , Poland


In this short study we follow selected aspects of the problem of anger as found in the writings of the Christian monk and theologian John Cassian (c. 360 – c. 435), teachings drawing upon both philosophical considerations and monastic tradition. Writing on the subject of anger, Cassian proceeded from theological questions (what is the nature of God) through exegetical, anthropological, and ethical perspectives, to issues embedded in the theory of monastic asceticism. The far-reaching complexity he brings to the problem is a result, on the one hand, of the rich philosophical and exegetical background of Cassian's reflection and, on the other, from his deep intuitions. For example, he knew (perhaps too well) that anger is something not simple to judge, nor is it always bad, since God himself is sometimes angry, and human beings can be angry at sin. Cassian's work, the balanced product of a keen monastic mind, offers the modern reader – even after all these ages – much to reflect upon.


John Cassian, anger, philosophy, exegesis, monasticism


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Szymon Hiżycki
Tyniec Abbey

Szymon Hiżycki, benedyktyn tyniecki, studiował w Rzymie na Sant’Anselmo i Pontificio Istituto Orientale. Redaktor serii „Źródła Monastyczne” oraz edycji pism Kasjana i serii anonimowych apoftegmatów.


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