The Anger of Man and a Call for Life without Anger by St. Francis de Sales

Stanisław Zarzycki

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The article approaches the issue of the anger of man from a three-pronged perspective: psychological, moral and spiritual. First, it deals with the emotion of anger within the sphere of feelings and explains its place, taking into consideration the divisions of feelings as defined by St. Augustine and St. Thomas. Within the moral aspect, it discusses the experience of anger within oneself in the context of stoic science, and then anger in subordination to the spiritual powers of man, taking into consideration the contamination of human nature by sin. The article goes on to discuss the moral issue of the validity of using anger, showing both its harmfulness and utility. The final section discusses the moral and spiritual science of living without anger, presents their arguments, then briefly shows a way to master anger through a spirituality focused upon love for God and one's neighbor. A particular key is the  perfecting of one's relations with others by the practice of “small virtues”, which serve to restrain anger.


feeling of anger, lust, divine love, fire of love, humility, gentleness

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Stanisław Zarzycki
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Ks. Stanisław T. Zarzycki, pallotyn, doktor habilitowany nauk teologicznych, profesor KUL, pracownik Instytutu Teologii Duchowości KUL. Autor kilku książek z zakresu teologii duchowości, Dietricha von Hildebranda filozoficzno-teologiczne podstawy duchowości serca (Lublin: Redakcja Wydawnictw KUL 1997), Rozwój życia duchowego i afektywność (Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2008).


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