Time in the Lukan Double Work
Krzysztof Bieliński
Pontificia Università LateranenseAccademia Alfonsiana, Istituto Superiore di Teologia Morale , Italyhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-6052-4242
The article presents the specific characteristics of time found in the two NT books written by Luke. The first section outlines the biblical, linear concept of time. It is noted that while the New Testament assumes the data of the Old Testament, with the coming of Jesus Christ the central point of history was shifted to the beginning of the Messianic era, the eschatological eon. The second section presents two fundamental theories regarding the specific concept of time, and thus the history, in the opus Lucanum: Christ as the new center of time and history (O. Cullmann) and the time of Jesus as the “mid part of time” (H. Conzelmann). The third, central section of the article is devoted to four specific notions of time employed by Luke. Taking into consideration the micro- and macro-contexts of the pericopes in which they occur, the meaning of several phrases is explored: “the year of the Lord's favor” (Luke 4:19; 13:8); “the day and the days of the Son of Man” (Luke 17:22-37); “the times of the nations” (Luke 21:24); and “the last days” (Acts 2:17). The analysis demonstrates that the opus Lucanum can also be viewed as an attempt toward a new interpretation of time, extending from the moment of Jesus' ascension until the realization of His announced Parousia. The evangelist's guiding goal seemingly was to uphold a zealous expectation of the fulfillment of new times – a living hope for the full realization of the kingdom of God, initiated by the coming of Jesus and by His salvific works – while still encouraging a process of becoming.
time, opus Lucanum, eschatology, last days, parousia, ἐνιαυτός κυρίου δεκτόςReferences
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Pontificia Università LateranenseAccademia Alfonsiana, Istituto Superiore di Teologia Morale
Krzysztof Bieliński, prezbiter Zgromadzenia Najświętszego Odkupiciela (redemptoryści), doktor teologii biblijnej Uniwersytetu Ludwika Maximiliana w Monachium w Niemczech (2001), profesore stabile w Akademii Alfonsjańskiej – Instytucie Wyższym Teologii Moralnej Papieskiego Uniwersytetu Laterańskiego w Rzymie, członek rady programowej Itinera Spiritualia oraz redakcji Verbum Vitae i Studia Moralia; zajmuje się nauczaniem moralnym w podwójnym dziele Łukasza i Corpus Paulinum; autor książki Jesus vor Herodes in Lukas 23,6-12: eine narrativ-sozialgeschichtliche Untersuchung (Stuttgarter Biblische Beiträge 50; Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk 2003), redaktor serii publikacji z I-III Międzynarodowych Kongresów (Toruń: Wydawnictwo WSKSiM 2008–2010).
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