The Time of Preparation for the Pasch in the Light of Medieval Allegory

Waldemar Pałęcki

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


In the medieval liturgy, especially in the celebration of the Mass, allegorical interpretation of the texts and gestures played a very meaningful role. Among the most prominent representatives of the allegorical interpretation of the liturgy were: Isidore of Seville, Alcuin, Amalarius of Metz, Rabanus Maurus, Walafrid Strabo, Rupert of Deutz, John Beleth, Pope Innocent III, and William Durand. These ideas were laid out in treatises with the titles Expositiones Missae, Rationale Divinorum Officiorum, or Liber de Divinis Officiis. This study presents the allegorical interpretation of the paschal preparation period, from Septuagesima Sunday to Holy Saturday, and its associated liturgical rites.


allegory, medieval liturgy, Septuagesima Sunday, Sexagesima Sunday, Quinquagesima Sunday, Lent

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Pałęcki, W. (2020). The Time of Preparation for the Pasch in the Light of Medieval Allegory. Verbum Vitae, 38(1), 281–299.

Waldemar Pałęcki
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Waldemar Pałęcki, a priest of the Missionaries of the Holy Family (MSF), an associated professor at the Chair of History of Liturgy at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, President of the Association of Polish Liturgists (Stowarzyszenie Liturgistów Polskich).


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