The Salvific Dimension of Time in the Christian Liturgy

Daniel Brzeziński

Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu.Wydział Teologiczny , Poland


This paper discusses the relationship between time and salvation that exists in the Christian liturgy, in which time possesses two characteristics. One is its sacredness, and the other is a special property that does not exist outside the liturgy but derives directly from its anamnetic dimension: it is a “medium” and an “existential context” of the real salvation delivered and still being delivered by Christ. The author begins with a reflection on time in cultural anthropology and the history of religion, demonstrating unambiguously that, since the earliest of days, disparate cultures and religions have shared the conviction that time is sacred. He then goes on to address the biblical concept of time which has fundamentally contributed to a fuller understanding of the essence and nature of liturgical time as the καιρός of salvation. It is in the liturgy of the Church—the final earthly stage in the history of salvation—that the salvific, effective and real encounter between God’s eternity and human life takes place. The Christian liturgy is an otherworldly act of salvation in worldly space and time, a manifestation of the “fullness of time.” The paper also attempts to offer a preliminary juxtaposition of the theological understanding of liturgical time with the findings of modern physics concerning the understanding and description of time. This may serve to stimulate further, more in-depth biblical and theological (and in particular theologico-liturgical) reflection on the phenomenon of time, and perhaps even a new look at the phenomenon of time on the part of modern physicists.


time, καιρός, eternity, salvation, liturgy, anamnesis

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Brzeziński, D. (2020). The Salvific Dimension of Time in the Christian Liturgy. Verbum Vitae, 38(1), 329–351.

Daniel Brzeziński
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu.Wydział Teologiczny

Daniel Brzeziński is a presbyter of the Diocese of Płock, a professor of the Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU) in Toruń, head of the Department of Practical Theology of the NCU, visiting professor at the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy in Rome, chairman of the Liturgical Committee of the Diocese of Płock, vice-president of the Płock Scientific Society, and custodian of the Cathedral Chapter in Płock.


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