Israel as God’s Witness (Isa 43:8-13)

Wojciech Pikor

UMK w Toruniu , Poland


The subject of our analysis is an extract from the Book of Isaiah, 43:8-13, which represents a significant moment in a bilateral controversy (rîb) ordered by Yahveh against foreign nations and the gods they worship. The juridical controversy decides about powerful and dynamic narration in Deutero-Isaiah. There is an unexpected twist of action as the legal proceeding unfolds: Israel, once God’s witness, now becomes a nation accused of rejecting its primary vocation of being a witness. Our quest for the reasons behind Israel's failed testimony to God hinges on decoding the idealized content of that testimony. God does not renounce His revelation to the world but makes Yahveh’s Servant his witness. The Servant will not only lead the world to the truth about God but also justify Israel, as well as other nations, by forming a covenant with the people.


Book of Isaiah, Yahveh’s Servant, covenant, testimony, monotheism, rîb, juridical controversy

Supporting Agencies:


Pikor, W. (2015). Izrael jako świadek Boga (Iz 43,8-13). Verbum Vitae, 28, 155–180.

Wojciech Pikor
UMK w Toruniu


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