Has God Rejected Israel? Anders Runesson Explores the Themes of Divine Wrath and Salvation in Matthew

Tomasz Niedźwiedzki

Olsztyn , Poland


The present article offers a review of the book by Anders Runesson entitled Divine Wrath and Salvation in Matthew. The Narrative World of the First Gospel. Its central ideas and its genesis are presented in the introduction. Next, the literature about divine judgment and salvation is brought to the fore. The main body of the article expounds the contents of Runesson's work, which is composed of two main parts. The first extensive part poses and answers a question: whether the Chosen People in its entirety are rejected by God and damned. The author convinces the reader that only the leaders of Israel will be harshly judged, while the Jewish masses will find salvation. The book's second part deals with God's judgment and salvation of the Gentiles. The article ends with a reconstruction of the stages of divine judgment and also some critical remarks by the reviewer.


judgment, damantion, divine wrath, salvation, the Gospel of Matthew, replacement theology

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Niedźwiedzki, T. (2018). Czy Izrael jest odrzucony przez Boga i potępiony? Anders Runesson o Bożym gniewie i zbawieniu u Mateusza. Verbum Vitae, 34, 439–464. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.2018.34.17

Tomasz Niedźwiedzki  t.niedzwiedzki@gmail.com

Ks. Tomasz Niedźwiedzki, prezbiter archidiecezji warmińskiej. 6 czerwca 2017 roku w Papieskim Instytucie Biblijnym w Rzymie obronił pracę doktorską The Patriarch and the Other in the Targums. Zakres zainteresowań: literatura targumiczna i rabiniczna.



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