The Wrathful Face of the Lord. The Hermeneutics of Selected Biblical Collocations

Stefan Henryk Szymik

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The author analyses biblical collocations used by writers of the Old Testament to describe God’s disapproval, anger and wrath, or even his absence. The essential specific component of these statements is the biblical anthropomorphism “the face of the Lord”, which points to God himself via certain Hebrew verbs. The first idiom, with YHWH as the subject (“I will set My face against” – נתן את־פני ב), occurs several times in the Old Testament and describes a violent action of God against a sinner or whole nation not observing his commandments, or breaking the Covenant. The next expression (“to hide Thy [your] face from” – סתר פני מן) occurs much more frequently in the Old Testament, principally in two contexts. The collocation plays a significant role in the Psalms, especially laments, and also in collective lamentations over Israel. The hiding of God’s face, from an individual or the people of Israel, means the experience of the temporary or permanent absence of God, and sometimes his anger and punishment for infidelity. In the final part, the author discusses some other collocations, among them “to cast out of My sight” (שלך מעל פני), and similarly “to remove from My sight” (מעל פני‎ סור). Both expressions indicate a disruption of Israel’s relationship with God, the outer signs being the historical deportations of Israel (722 BC) and Judah (586 BC). Ultimately, however, the rejection of Israel and the absence of God, and likewise his anger, are not permanent and irreversible, since the Lord’s grace and mercy prevail.


face, face [sight] of the Lord, wrath of God, biblical collocations, pānîm

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Stefan Henryk Szymik
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Ks. Stefan Szymik, misjonarz Świętej Rodziny (MSF), profesor nauk teologicznych. Specjalistyczne studia biblijne odbył w Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim (1982-1987) oraz w Papieskim Instytucie Biblijnym w Rzymie (1991-1994). Od 1985 wykładowca pism Nowego Testamentu w WSD MSF w Kazimierzu Biskupim (Wydział Teologiczny UAM w Poznaniu), od 1995 zatrudniony w Instytucie Nauk Biblijnych KUL, obecnie w Katedrze Egzegezy Ewangelii i Pism Apostolskich. Obszar zainteresowań autora obejmuje w szczególności hermeneutykę i metodologię biblijną (zob. Współczesne modele egzegezy biblijnej, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2013) oraz aktualizację Biblii w życiu Kościoła.


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