Eternal and Timeless Creation: The Philosophical Sources of Origen's Concept of "Generatio Aeterna"

Damian Mrugalski

Kolegium Filozoficzno-Teologiczne Polskiej Prowincji Dominikanów , Poland


Timaeus, a dialogue of Plato regarded by scholars as “the Platonists’ Bible”, was interpreted allegorically even in the time of the Old Academy (4th century BCE). In the Hellenistic period (1st-3rd centuries CE), especially among the philosophers known as Middle Platonists, there was great debate over the theses that appear in it. The main question was whether the world was created in time or ab aeterno, and most of the Middle Platonic philosophers believed that the world must be eternal. By the first century CE, this discussion had also been joined by Jewish and Christian Platonists such as Philo of Alexandria, Clement of Alexandria and Origen. In their opinion, God, because he is unchanging but at the same time good, must not have started to operate only at the moment of the creation of the world, but before. Yet the Scriptures state that the world began to exist at a particular point in time. Therefore, Christian Platonists postulated the eternal generation or production of the world of ideas (kosmos noetos), which, since it is the world of God’s thoughts, exists ab aeterno in the Divine Logos. The concept of generatio aeterna (that is, the eternal generation of the Son by the Father), which we find in Origen’s works, is related to this ongoing discussion about the eternal nature of the world. This article aims to present the facets of this ancient debate while emphasizing the links between the arguments advanced by the Middle Platonists and those found in the various hypotheses of Origen.



time, eternity, eternal creation of the world, eternal generation of the Logos, patristic philosphy, Middle Platonism, influence of Greek philosophy on Christianity, Plato, Timaeus, Philo of Alexandria, Origen


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Damian Mrugalski
Kolegium Filozoficzno-Teologiczne Polskiej Prowincji Dominikanów

Damian Mrugalski, dominikanin, doktor teologii i nauk patrystycznych. Studiował pod kierunkiem Manlio Simonettiego w Instytucie Patrystycznym „Augustinianum” w Rzymie. Ukończył również studia licencjackie z teologii dogmatycznej na Papieskim Wydziale Teologicznym „Bobolanum” w Warszawie oraz studia magisterskie z filozofii na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Krakowie. Wykładowca patrologii, filozofii starożytnej i greki w Kolegium Filozoficzno-Teologicznym Polskiej Prowincji Dominikanów w Krakowie, autor monografii: Logos: Filozoficzne i teologiczne źródła idei wczesnochrześcijańskiej (Kraków: WAM 2006) oraz Il Dio trascendente nella filosofia alessandrina, giudaica e cristiana: Filone e Clemente (Roma: Angelicum University Press 2013).


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