The Meaning of the Noun κόλασις in the Septuagint, the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the New Testament. A Response to Wacław Hryniewicz’s Interpretation of Mt 25:46

Andrzej Piwowar

John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


This article is an attempt at responding to Rev. Prof. Wacław Hryniewicz’s interpretation of Mt 25:46. Referring to the original meaning of the adjective αἰώνιος and the noun κόλασις in classical Greek, Hryniewicz maintains that the syntagma εἰς κόλασιν αἰώνιον should be understood not as denoting eternal punishment but as an expression of disciplinary punishment (aimed at the transformation and improvement of the behaviour of the person punished); thus, the punishment would only last for a particular period of time and not forever. The present article undertakes the analysis of the word κόλασις in the Septuagint, in Greek Old Testament pseudepigrapha and in the New Testament to find out if the word is in fact employed in the meaning Hryniewicz ascribes to it. The analysis conducted shows that the word has lost its original meaning or at least its meaning is not univocal (explicite). The noun most often refers to punishment as penalty for a deed that is either forbidden by the law or morally suspect. Few texts clearly point to the didactic aspect of κόλασις. In the vast majority of cases, the presence of such an aspect is only implied, for each punishment (apart from death penalty and God’s ultimate judgment) may be claimed to have a didactic dimension. The analysis of the meaning of κόλασις conducted in this article disproves Hrynkiewicz’s claim that in Mt 25:46 the noun retains its original meaning, alluding to punishment’s didactic aspect.


κόλασις, Mt 25:46, punishment, eternal punishment

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Piwowar, A. (2019). Znaczenie rzeczownika κόλασις w Septuagincie, pseudoepigrafach Starego Testamentu i w Nowym Testamencie w nawiązaniu do interpretacji Wacława Hryniewicza tekstu Mt 25,46. Verbum Vitae, 36, 409–443.

Andrzej Piwowar
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Ks. Andrzej Piwowar, prezbiter archidiecezji warmińskiej, doktor habilitowany teologii. Studiował pod kierunkiem prof. Maurice’a Gilberta SJ na Papieskim Instytucie Biblijnym w Rzymie (licencjat 2001) i Papieskim Uniwersytecie Gregoriańskim (doktorat 2006). Jest adiunktem w Katedrze Egzegezy Ksiąg Historycznych, Prorockich i Sapiencjalnych Instytutu Nauk Biblijnych KUL oraz wykładowca języka greckiego Nowego Testamentu. Prowadzi badania nad księgami mądrościowymi Starego Testamentu. Ostatnio opublikował: Składnia języka greckiego Nowego Testamentu (Materiały Pomocnicze do Wykładów z Biblistyki 13; Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2016, wyd. 2 poprawione 2017).


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