The Dispute over the Date of the Last Supper. Its Chronology Revisited

Mariusz Rosik

Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu , Poland


The article discusses the issue of alleged or real disagreements between John and the Synoptics regarding the dating of the Last Supper. After showing the elements of the Gospel narratives that portray the Last Supper as a paschal supper, the author outlines eight hypotheses regarding the dating of the Last Supper. Two of them seem to be the most convincing within the current state of research: the Jesus Passover hypothesis (a final Passover unique to Jesus and his followers) and the philological hypothesis.


the Last Supper, chronology of the last days of Jesus, Passover supper, Jewish calendar

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Rosik, M. (2020). The Dispute over the Date of the Last Supper. Its Chronology Revisited. Verbum Vitae, 38(1), 179–198.

Mariusz Rosik
Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu

Professor Mariusz Rosik, an academic teacher in the Pontifical Faculty of Theology and in the University of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland. He teaches courses on Exegesis of the New Testament, Cultural Context of Biblical Narratives, Jewish History and New Testament Greek. Prof. Rosik has studied in several academic centers:  Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wrocław (M.A. in 1993; licentiate in biblical theology, 1996; doctoral degree in biblical theology, 1997), Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome (licentiate in Sacred Scripture, 2001), Hebrew University of Jerusalem (one semester in 1998-1999), École Biblique et Archéologique Francaise de Jerusalem (one semester in 1998-1999). During his studies in Israel he paid attention to achieve perfect knowledge of biblical Hebrew and archeology of the Holy Land. Prof. Mariusz Rosik has published more than thirty books and many articles in the field of biblical and Jewish studies. His texts were published in eleven languages. He participates in biblical meetings, conferences and seminars. He is also a member of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas (Cambridge), Polish Biblical Society (Warszawa) and Associazzione degli Ex-alunni del Pontificio Istituto Biblico (Rome).


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